First session (04/06/2025)
Laia Alguacil Mir
Laia Alguacil Mir
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Taller: La evaluacion de habilidades prácticas con realidad virtual, simulaciones y gamificación [Assessment of practical skills with VR, simulations and gammification]
From 17:00 to 18:30

Educators are considered the “backbone” to successfully prepare citizens to take advantage of a globalized and interconnected world. When confinement was established on university campuses and the change from face-to-face to digital assessment became essential, teachers faced a series of challenges and had to adapt their practices immediately. In this scenario, it has been essential to change the pedagogical approach to a more authentic, sustainable and effective one.
Through the D-Eva project “Assessment of practical skills with digital technologies in teacher training”, different products have been developed to help all trainers propose assessment practices that include activities that take advantage of emerging technologies such as simulations, gamification and virtual reality. These solutions are designed to carry out a formative assessment on different practical skills or competencies such as acting in cases of bullying, self-assessment of body language or how to manage time effectively.
In this workshop, participants will test the digital solutions created in the project and learn the key points needed to develop their own solutions with easy-to-access and easy-to-use tools. Through practical and collaborative activities, attendees will be able to experience first-hand how these technologies can transform the assessment of practical skills, making it more interactive, attractive and effective.

José Luis Alonso Andreano
José Luis Alonso Andreano
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Head of the IT team in learning strategies in organizations
Generando la cultura de aprendizaje que queremos en nuestra organización [Generating the learning culture we want in our organization]
From 17:00 to 18:30

The objective of the workshop is to experiment with a generational change (express) process, defining an action plan for its execution. This will allow participants to understand which variables influence knowledge management in a generational change process and to have a prototype of the process for it.
With this, participants will have small pills of inspiration, spaces for debate and co-creation to work on the following aspects: Knowing the generational change algorithm, Identifying key and critical knowledge, Using IAG for knowledge transmission, Lessons learned and Application of the algorithm.

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Diseño y desarrollo:   Diseño y desarrollo: Estudio Sicilia