The communication panels allow those attending the Conference to present contributions related to experiences developed in their institutions, good practices, models, instruments or the results of research projects. In any case, the topics of the oral communications must adjust to the thematic lines defined by the Conference.

They will be presented to the public grouped according to criteria of affinity and thematic proximity.

With the presentation, it is intended to go beyond the simple personal and individual exhibition, promoting a collective social construction around a certain common theme. For this reason, the coordination of the presentation panel will foster a dialogue between the different authors, raising questions, dilemmas, opinions, evaluations, transfer possibilities, new challenges, etc. around the theme.

Consequently, the time available will be structured respecting this purpose (brief initial individual presentation and more time for inter-contribution dialogue and position on relevant common issues). 


Posters serve to present research designs and intervention models, projects and research results as well as ongoing projects. In this regard, authors should consider: 

   - Style and design: Schematic and graphical presentation of the information.

   - Size: 120 cm height x 80cm length.

   - Printing costs: The poster must be printed and subsidized by the author(s).

   - Space to hang it: In the space indicated by the organisation committee on the presentation day.


The symposiums aim to collect various contributions on the same theme, prepared as a whole, complemening each other, in a consistent and coordinated manner by different people or teams from different organizations (some of them international) and origins.

Symposiums that collect contributions from an academic and professional perspective will be especially valued.


This space is reserved for the presentation of proposals, models and professional practices implemented by institutions and organisations involved in the consultation and development of organisations and related to the thematic lines of the Conference.

Important dates

The dates for submission, arbitration and publication of works are the following:


29th January 2025: (NEW): 16th February 2025: Deadline for receiving new full contributions. 

20th February 2025: (NEW): 25th February 2025: Arbitration comments.

1st March 2025: (NEW): 10th March 2025: Deadline for final and revised contributions.

20th March 2025: (NEW): 31st March 2025: Registration deadline for authors.

All contributuons must be presented respecting the following instructions:


  • Communications and Posters: Between 10,000 and 15,000 characters with spaces, including references.  

  • Symposia: Introduction of between 3,000 and 5,000 characters with spaces, and between 4 and 5 contributions, each with between 10,000 and 15,000 characters each one with spaces, including references.

  • Workshops: Between 3,000 and 5,000 characters with spaces, including references.

  • Summary: 350 words.

  • A4 size.

  • Margins left-right-top-bottom 2.5 cm.

  • Font TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 pt.

  • Single spaced.

  • Double spacing between paragraphs.

  • Language: Spanish

  • References according to APA guidelines 7th edition (Check them here)

  • The digital version should be sent in a WORD file (Microsoft Word 6.0 or newer).

  • The document should be named with the author's name and surname (with a chronological number if there is more than one submission).

  • The file must include the totality of the work (text, tables, figures, diagrams, etc.) with each item in their appropriate place.

  • The 1st page will indicate: Title, authors and institutions; telephone number and email address of the contact person and summary.

Other important considerations for the presentation of contributions:


  • All contributions received will be subject to a blind review by the Conference’ Scientific Committee. 

  • The Scientific Committee may propose a poster presentation, or a group of several communications to form a Symposium. In this event, the authors will be previously notified.

  • Awards for the best contributions: on the last day of the Conference prizes will be awarded to the best oral communication, the best symposium, the best workshop and the best poster.

  • For the presentation and publication of contributions, with ISBN, at least 50% of the authors must have registered and made the payment for the Conference.

  • A person can only appear as author in 3 contributions tops.
  • The Scientific Committee may propose the presentation of contributions to indexed journals related to the organising institutions.

  • The authors will have the audiovisual and digital resources required for the presentation of different presentations; however, the type of resources that are required should be communicated to the organisers in advance. 

You have to be registered to submit a proposal. For this, click the following link:

Registration form
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